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שער שמונה זה בדם

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  1. In a statement released today, speaking directly to the Maccabi Tel-Aviv supporters, Paulo Sousa announces that he is leaving MTA, and looks back on his successful 12 months at the club… When I joined Maccabi in June 2013, I could not imagine what I’d find in the coming months. I quickly learned that there is a spirit and passion for football within the whole Maccabi Tel Aviv community, something which would rival most clubs across the world. This passion is something which always gave me great optimism ahead of matches this season and real pride in being your Head Coach. Every day at Bloomfield and as we travelled around Israel, was a real joy and privilege for me. It was a year with a lot of victories and success, winning the League title and taking a big step in Europe, competing with the big clubs on the continent, but the most important success was the warmth and appreciation shown to me and all my staff, throughout my twelve months with this fantastic club. I would like to thank the owner, Mitch Goldhar, his representative, Jack Angelides and Sports Director, Jordi Cruyff, for their support and faith in me. With these great men at the club’s helm, I am sure that MTA will achieve further success. Of course I don’t want to forget the people who work in the management and all my professional staff. Without them everything would be much more difficult. To my players, I would like to say a huge thank you and show all my respect and admiration; our achievements this season are down to your hard work, dedication and wonderful attitude. You all helped create a true family togetherness and positive atmosphere in the dressing room, which enabled us to overcome our opposition and reach the top of the mountain. Thank you guys! My farewell words are for the MTA supporters. I hope you understand my decision to leave. It was not easy for me to do this, but I feel that this next challenge is right for me at this time in my career. Our year together was incredible and from the bottom of my heart, I say openly that there will always be a part of me in Tel-Aviv. To all of you, I wish you a great future. You will always be in my heart, and I hope that one day, we will meet again. Thank you, Paulo Sousa
  2. פאבלו בן הרוש , קרלוס,טיבי, ייני אלברמן,אייבינדר,זהבי טב"ח,דאבור,יצחקי
  3. חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח
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